A few images from an untitled 6-page 'Night Craft' story I've been working on. You should be seeing a completed version in the near future!
It's officially happening. I've begun work illustrating the follow-up to Dawn After Dark: Kiss Me Deadly. This one is a three issue miniseries and this time Dawn has more to fight than just vampires. This series is being drawn for the British publisher Hellbound Media, and was written by Matt Warner. The graphic novel collecting the original issues is available here.
These are the stages of two pages of an eight page story I drew a couple years ago. This story was my contribution to an anthology title called The Harvest Realm, featuring stories written by Roger Crooks. Well, the book has come out and it is available at IndyPlanet. It's a pretty cool book (and not just because I have a few pages in it), it's beautifully colored and you should definitely check it out!